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  • Writer's pictureBenjamin Kaplan

How I know by Benji

Updated: May 19, 2020

They say

It will be okay

They say

It will be safe soon

We can be able

To go outside

Play in the grass

Or the water

They say

We are in this together

That everything helps

That it will be normal soon

That everything

Will return to normal

People can see each other again

People can laugh, cry, and celebrate

Together again

It will go back

To the way it used to be

How do they know

What they said will come true

How can they tell

What they said will come again

I can tell you

That it will come true

The world will be

A safe place to live

Because of people

People that make

Masks and food

And other essentials

But are just like us

People that give

Money and supplies

For others in need

And most of all

The doctors

The millions and millions

Of doctors

Doctors that cant see their family

But they still work and work

To find a medicine

Or the billions

Of nurses

Who all day long

Care for sick people

Yet knowing all the time

They could get sick to

That’s how I know

The world will be safe

Once again

The world will be safe

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